Outdoor Tips for October

October brings many visible signs of change everywhere you look.The leaves begin changing color, the weather becomes cooler, farmers begin to do their final harvests, there is pumpkin everything everywhere, and the excitement of Halloween is in the air. In recent years the amount of money spent on Halloween decorations is a close second to what is spent for Christmas. Halloween is not just for kids anymore. It has become holiday for all ages.


Halloween has definitely found its way inside and outside of the home. Halloween displays continue to grow bigger and bolder every year.  Graveyards in the front yard, flashing strobe lights, fog machines, bright burning candles in pumpkins, fire displays, or an indoor haunted house are all great decorations and can definitely enhance a spooky experience. These props also pose a hidden risk to the homeowner and those visiting the house.


Don’t Trip

Tripping and falling is one of the most common injuries that happen during Halloween. When setting up your outdoor decorations make sure you take into account the traffic patterns of your trick or treaters and other visitors. Things that are light weight could pose the risk of being blown over by the wind or knocked down accidently by a passing treat bag that is running to get to the next house. Inflatable decorations should be securely fastened to the ground and the extension cord that powers the fan should also be carefully placed.


How to Prepare

Stand on the sidewalk in front your house after you have finished decorating and take a hard look to see if any hazards are present. Make sure extension cords are secured; check to see that walking surfaces are free of debris, large holes, tree roots, and stakes. Corn stalks, dried flowers, and crepe paper are highly combustible. Be sure to keep them far away from any open flames. Be certain that your yard, walkway, and entry way are well lit so anyone unfamiliar with your home can safely navigate your terrain.


Don’t be Afraid

This blog may seem scary to you but rest assure it is meant to be informational. If you have not had your Homeowner’s insurance policy reviewed by the John J Suppa Agency then you do have something to fear. Contact John Suppa or Tiffany Baird at 412-238-8200. We will go over some additional Halloween safety tips, review your policy, have recommendations, and make sure all of your bases our covered. Once our review process is complete you can then consider yourself Safe with Suppa.